Monday, March 9, 2020

The Best Way to Answer Why Are You Leaving When You Hate Your Job

The Best Way to Answer Why Are You Leaving When You Hate Your Job Its time for a new job and youre on the hunt. Tzu siche are a mio reasons for people to search and we all know that it is a huge no-no to say negative things about your current babo or company. So how do you share why youre looking for your next gig (aka running screaming) without letting your negative feelings show and damaging your chances of landing your next gig?When were talking about things that bring us down, our demeanour changes. Negativity literally weighs us down causing changes in posture, tone, cadence and facial expressions. Many times we dont notice these nonverbal cues that tend to also bring down the person with whom were speaking or interviewing. On the other hand, talking about what you love has the opposite effect. Has someone ever told you that you light up when you talk about something? That is the feeling and emotion you want to get across in your interview and I have a formula to show you how. T his can be applied if you were let go, are dealing with a terrible boss or were hired for a job that turned out to be a schwimmbad fit.Your goal is to keep your answer positive, relevant and forward moving. Authenticity is key in interviewing, so think of this as the rose colored glasses version of your departure. Its never okay to be misleading. The world is getting smaller and smaller, so untruths are easily uncovered. Plus, we all have enough to keep track of dont add untruths to the mix.When answering the question Why are you looking for a new job? try explaining in three parts.parte 1 What did you learn or enjoy about your last role? Start with the positive and keep the story of why you are leaving your current role relevant to your next role. Share the tools you used, skills you honed or challenges you conquered.Instead of It was a great job for a while. Despite the fact that I had never been a social media manager, I figured it out. Say this My time at Company has been very r ewarding. I gained a clear understanding of social media strategy and how to build and engage a loyal following.Part 2 How have circumstances changed? Consider the event that precipitated your search. Was there a change in management? Your role? The company? Be honest and stick to the facts during this part of the answer. Be mindful not to let emotions creep in here. Stay objective and focus on what is in your control. Youll notice the first option is completely left to circumstances that were out of the job seekers control, while the second showcases what the job seeker has done in light of the changes, showing critical thinking and ambition.Instead of In January Company was bought out by a major corporation and my job changed completely. Say this In recent months there have been changes to our team and the company structure which have prompted me to reflect on my time there and where I really thrive. Part 3 What do you want in your next role? Heres the part where you flip around t he negative parts of your job that make you want to leave. Instead of focusing on the bad characteristics of your current role, think of the opposite and express what you want in your next role. Is your boss a micromanager? Youre looking for more autonomy. Are you expecting to be laid off? Youre interested in a role with more stability. Is it a terrible culture fit? Your priority is finding a company that is aligned with your values.Instead of I work alone and the projects I get bore me to tears. Im drowning in bureaucracy and paperwork. Nothing ever gets done. Say this I realized that Im at my best when Im a part of a dynamic team working on innovative projects. I like to be able to change course and try new approaches to improve the customer experience. It is inevitable that you will receive some version of this question in your next interview. Remember to keep the conversation going and present yourself in the best possible light by keeping the conversation upbeat and moving forw ard. This formula will not only help your messaging, but it will help you reframe your thinking around a negative experience.--Alyson Garrido is passionate about helping women advance their careers and find jobs they will enjoy. As a career coach, she partners with her clients to identify their strengths and create a path toward a more fulfilling career. Alyson provides support around preparing for interviews, performance reviews and salary negotiations, ensuring that you present yourself in the best possible light for job search and career advancement. Learn more or book a session with Alyson by visiting

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